Sunday 6 July 2008

A Word From The Sponsor

Finally the government has decided for once to say something about a sensitive issue. as well all know the Syrian government is very secretive and always likes to pretend that everything is alright.. and "oh look we all love each other" type of thing.

From SANA this is what was said:
أقدم عدد من المساجين المحكومين بجرائم التطرف والإرهاب على إثارة الفوضى والإخلال بالنظام العام في سجن صيدنايا واعتدوا على زملائهم وذلك في الساعة السابعة من صباح يوم السبت في 5-7-2008 أثناء قيام إدارة السجن بالجولة التفقدية على السجناء.

وقد استدعى الأمر التدخل المباشر من وحدة حفظ النظام لمعالجة الحالة وإعادة الهدوء للسجن وتنظيم ضبوط بحالات الاعتداء على الغير وإلحاق الضرر بالممتلكات العامة لاتخاذ الاجراءات القانونية بحق المخالفين.

Basically its saying that a group of people who have been sentenced to prison for being charged with crimes of "extremism" and terrorism, have attacked other inmates in prison during a prison inspection done by the prison guards.

Since when is having "extreme" ideas illegal? i understand terrorism that's fine.. that's definitely illegal, but extremism? i guess in Syria, (or even the middle east) anything that deviates away from the ideas of the ruling party/people is "extreme".


saint said...

It seems to me that:
Syira is the place where people have no faces, prisoners have no heads and children shouting priase to the regime.

MJ said...

Well that is the case when it comes to politics i think. only in politics.