Wednesday 30 July 2008

ثورات العبيد و سادية العرب - عبد الباري عطوان

تتهم مؤسسات حقوق الانسان الدولية المحترمة العرب باحتلال مرتبة هي الاعلي عالميا بالنسبة الي قضية الاتجار بالبشر، وهضم حقوق العمال، واساءة معاملتهم، ومن المؤسف ان هذه الاتهامات صحيحة، وموثقة، بل ونري امثلتها عمليا بالصوت والصورة في اكثر من عاصمة عربية وعالمية وفي دول الخليج علي وجه الخصوص، وهذه هي ادلتنا العملية الدامغة:
اولا: تشهد الكويت هذه الايام ثورة للجوعي البنغاليين منذ اربعة ايام، حيث نزل الآلاف منهم الي الشوارع في مظاهرات احتجاجية بسبب سوء احوالهم المعيشية وانخفاض اجورهم، ورفض الشركات المستخدمة لهم دفعها علي قلتها. الاحتجاجات ادت الي صدامات دموية ووقوع جرحي واعمال تخريب. هؤلاء في معظمهم عمال نظافة، اي يكنسون الشوارع وينظفون المراحيض.
الحكومة الكويتية بدلا من الاعتراف بأخطائها، وتقديم اصحاب شركات الاستعباد الي المحاكم، ووضع حد لظاهرة تجار الاقامات ، وانهاء نظام الكفيل البغيض، هددت بترحيل العمال المضربين، وارسلت في الوقت نفسه مسؤولين الي دول آسيوية لاستقدام عمال منها ليحلوا محل 150 الف عامل بنغالي يتقاضون 20 دينارا شهريا، يدفعون جزءا منها لشركات السمسرة في بلادهم، او للكفيل الكويتي، ويعيشون في زرائب، ويضطرون لنبش صفائح القمامة بحثا عن الطعام لان ما يتقاضونه لا يكفي لسد رمقهم، وتسديد ديونهم التي اقترضوها للحصول علي هذه الوظيفة المزرية.
ثانيا: في شباط (فبراير) 2008 تظاهر في البحرين 1300 عامل هندي بعد اضراب عن العمل استمر بضعة ايام للمطالبة بتحسين ظروفهم المعيشية، ولم ينته الاضراب الا بعد الاستجابة لمطالبهم، وتصاعدت دعوات لإبعاد كل البنغاليين لأن احدهم قتل احد ارباب العمل الظالمين.
ثالثا: في شباط (فبراير) من العام الحالي ايضا تظاهر عشرات الآلاف من الهنود في دبي مطالبين بتحسين ظروفهم المعيشية، ومعاملتهم معاملة البشر، ونقلهم بطريقة آدمية، وليس كالحيوانات الي مقار عملهم. وتسببت احتجاجاتهم في قطع الطرق، وتكسير المحلات، والصدام مع قوات الشرطة، وهناك من يقول بان حالة التوتر مستمرة والبلاد علي ابواب ثورة اخري لان الاوضاع ما زالت علي حالها.
رابعا: في التاسع من تموز (يوليو) الحالي اعتقلت السلطات في ابو ظبي 3100 عامل هندي يعملون في شركة الحمراء للمقاولات بسبب احتجاجهم علي سوء المعاملة وهضم الحقوق، والعمل لساعات طويلة. الترحيل هو من نصيب اي محتج او متظاهر، وربما سيواجه بعض هؤلاء هذا المصير.
خامسا: اعتقلت السلطات السويسرية قبل اسبوعين السيد هنيبعل القذافي نجل الزعيم الليبي وزوجته لمدة يومين بتهمة الاعتداء علي خادميه في فندق بجنيف، وبدلا من ترك القانون يأخذ مجراه، اعلنت ليبيا الحرب علي سويسرا وقطعت امدادات النفط اليها، واغلقت شركاتها العاملة في ليبيا، واعتقلت اثنين من رعاياها.
سادسا: وجهت النيابة البلجيكية يوم امس اتهامات الي سبعة من اسرة شيخ اماراتي راحل باساءة معاملة تسعة من الخدم من جنسيات آسيوية وعربية كانوا يعملون معهم في الطابق الذي استأجروه في احد الفنادق البلجيكية الفخمة. عقوبة هذه التهمة تصل الي السجن خمس سنوات.

لا نفهم هذه السادية العربية في معاملة الآخرين بهذه الطريقة الوحشية، وغير الانسانية، رغم ان عقيدتنا الاسلامية السمحاء تنص علي المساواة، والتواضع، واعطاء الأجير اجره قبل ان يجف عرقه، والترفع عن كل مظاهر الاستعباد. لماذا هذا الغرور والتعالي علي الآخرين، ونحن اكثر شعوب الارض تخلفا وقمعا ودكتاتورية وفسادا؟
لو كنا امة فقيرة معدمة، ربما قلنا ان هذه هي امكانياتنا، ولكننا امة غنية تدخل ميزانيات دولها النفطية، في المشرق والمغرب اكثر من 900 مليار دولار سنويا من النفط والغاز، ونتباهي علي الأمم الاخري في اقامة اضخم فندق، واطول عمارة، واكبر شركة طيران، واعظم حكومة الكترونية، ومع ذلك ندفع للعامل الفقير المعدم اقل من ثمن وجبة طعام لشخصين في مطعم فندق متواضع، ويا ليتنا ندفع هذا الأجر الشهري في موعده.
في دول الخليج وحدها اكثر من 15 مليون عامل اجنبي (9 ملايين في السعودية وحدها) يمثلون حوالي 37% من نسبة عدد السكان، ويعيشون في ظروف لا تطاق، علينا ان نتصور لو نزل هؤلاء الي الشوارع في ثورة للجياع كيف سيكون حال هذه الدول، وهل تستطيع ان تفتح النار عليهم؟
وتنسي هذه الدول ان هؤلاء العمال ينتمون الي دول عظمي مثل الهند وباكستان، تملك اسلحة نووية، وتطبق انظمة ديمقراطية عريقة، ولا نعتقد ان هذه الدول ستسكت علي اضطهاد عمالها وهضم حقوقهم، فأين الحكمة في ترك تجار الإقامات وشركات مصاصي دماء العمال تعيث في الارض فسادا بالطريقة التي نراها حاليا، وتشوه صورتنا اكثر مما هي مشوهة؟

نسعي جاهدين من اجل حوار الاديان لنفي تهمة الارهاب عنا، واظهار الوجه السمح لعقيدتنا الاسلامية، ولكننا نمارس ابشع انواع الارهاب النفسي والخلقي ضد ابناء عقيدتنا انفسهم العاملين في الدول العربية. وكأن ارضاء هؤلاء واكرام وفادتهم واعطاءهم حقوقهم هو ضد الاسلام وشريعته، وننسي ان امرأة دخلت النار لأنها حرمت قطتها من الطعام.
علينا اولا ان نحظي باحترام الشعوب الاسلامية قبل ان نسعي لنيل احترام اتباع الديانات الاخري مثل اليهود والنصاري والبوذيين. فالاصلاح يبدأ اولا داخل البيت ثم بعد ذلك يجوز الانتقال الي بيوت الجيران. للأسف اولوياتنا دائما مقلوبة، ولهذا لا نتقدم مطلقا اذا لم نكن في تراجع مستمر.
نظام الكفيل المطبق في معظم الدول الخليجية هو أسوأ انواع العبودية، وانا شخصيا كنت احد عبيد هذا النظام وأعرفه جيدا. فالكفيل هو السيد الذي يجب ان يطاع، والاحتجاج علي المعاملة السيئة وتحسين الاجور قد تترتب عليه عواقب وخيمة اقلها ان يجد العامل نفسه علي ظهر اول طائرة عائدا الي بلاده وممنوعا من العودة.
في المملكة العربية السعودية كان ممنوعا علي العامل او الموظف ان يتجه من جدة الي الطائف (علي بعد 150 كيلومترا) دون ان يحصل علي اذن مكتوب من كفيله، واذا لم يفعل فإن مصيره الاعتقال، وفي افضل الاحوال يعاد من حيث اتي، ولا اعرف هل الغي هذا القرار الاستعبادي ام ما زال ساري المفعول حتي هذه اللحظة.
ظاهرة البدون او مجهولي الجنسية، لا توجد الا في الدول العربية، والخليجية منها علي وجه الخصوص، وبعض هؤلاء ولدوا في هذه الدول وكذلك اولادهم واحفادهم، واحفاد اولادهم، ومع ذلك فهم محرومون من جنسية البلد الذي لا يعرفون غيره وطنا. فلماذا لا تجنس الدول الخليجية هؤلاء ونسبة الاجانب في بعضها تزيد عن سبعين في المئة، انه امر محير! كثير من مواطني دول الخليج يذهبون بنسائهم الحوامل الي كندا وامريكا واستراليا حتي يحمل مواليدهم جنسية البلد الذي ولدوا فيه تحسبا لوقوع غزو جديد، او لضعف المواطنة، او لعدم الثقة بالنظام. فلماذا هذه الازدواجية، ولماذا لا يتم طي هذا الملف المخجل المسيء بأسرع وقت ممكن؟
مواطنون عرب ومسلمون يعيشون في دول الخليج لاكثر من نصف قرن، وابناؤهم يتحدثون اللهجة الخليجية مثل اهلها، ويحيون علم الدولة المضيفة كل صباح، ويطربون لأغاني محمد عبده واحلام وعبادي الجوهر وحسين الجسمي، ومع ذلك ليست لهم اي حقوق مواطنة او غيرها، ومحرومون من كل الخدمات الحكومية من صحية وتعليمية، ويعاملون معاملة اي وافد وصل لتوه الي البلاد.
هذا الوضع يجب ان يتغير لان صورتنا كعرب باتت الاسوأ في العالم بأسره، واصبح الآخرون ينظرون الينا نظرة تجار الرقيق.
لماذا نحن من دون البشر كلهم نضرب الخدم ونعتدي عليهم، جسديا وجنسيا، ونجعلهم يعملون طوال الليل والنهار دون شفقة او رحمة، مستغلين حاجتهم للمال، وانعدام الوظائف في بلدانهم، هل هناك ثأر تاريخي بيننا وبين الخدم؟
نعترف ان هناك رفضا لهذه الممارسات لدي قطاع واسع من ابناء الخليج، ويشعرون مثلنا بالخجل تجاهها، مثلما نقر بان بعض النواب في مجلس الامة الكويتي عبروا عن استيائهم من معاملة العمال البنغاليين المهينة وطالبوا بعقاب اصحاب الشركات المسؤولة عن معاناتهم، ولكن هذا لا يكفي، لأن الحكومات ترفض التغيير، وتعودت ان تتركنا جميعا نصرخ او ننبح، وتفعل هي ما تشاء، وتستمر في السياسات نفسها، وتراهن علي اختفاء الضجة بمجرد ان يهدأ غبار الاحتجاجات، وليذهب العرب وصورتهم الي الجحيم

Sunday 27 July 2008

Arrogance or Ignorance?

One thing I absolutely hate in a person. Arrogance. I can't stand people who are arrogant. Why does a person think that they are better than anyone else? Especially if that person thinks that their money, wealth, fame, power or the way they look gives them the right to think that they are above others. In a way I understand those type of people and its so easy to be arrogant about what you have forgetting that one day they will die and they will be worthless.
What I don't understand are people who like me, are normal, living a normal life, having little or no influence on the lives of other people, who happen to think that just because they were born in a land where you receive a document that states you are a citizen of the USA or Canada or Britain, then that makes them the ultimate humans and that people from different parts of the world who happen to be born in countries that are not so wealthy, and have little opportunities, are less human or "sub-human" or "inferior humans", who have no values and no sanctity for life.

Ironically at the same time when they are classifying people from different races, they also claim that the nation they belong to is fighting for justice, and or fighting to save humanity.

I don't know of those people are arrogant or just ignorant, or is it because of their ignorance that they are arrogant?..

anyways, in chapter 14 verse 13 of the Quran, it says:
Oh mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other (not that you may despise each other). Verily the most honored of you in the Sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. In addition, Allah has full Knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things)”.

A Hadith of the prophet peace be upon him where he says,"Oh Mankind! Your Lord is One. Your (grand) father is one. All of you belong to Adam (peace be upon him). Adam is created of soil (earth dirt). Truly, the most honorable person in the Sight of Your Lord, the Almighty Allah, is the most pious among you. There is no superiority for an Arab over a non-Arab. There is no superiority for a non-Arab over an Arab. There is no superiority for a red (race) person over a white person. Likewise, there is no superiority of a white over a red (race) person except for the level of piety (mindfulness of God, the Almighty Allah in life and practices)" [Ahmad, Hadith No.411]

Thursday 24 July 2008


Surprisingly enough, it isn't such a big deal to wear a Jewish Kippah and pray to the Wailing Wall, but when you wear an African traditional dress that to ignorant Americans seems to resemble something "Islamic" even though it is not, the person is attacked and mocked and feared.
What is interesting that in recent studies in America show that the most discriminated ethnic groups or minorities in America and in order are African-American, Jews, Latinos and then Arabs/Muslims.

The difference between Obama and McCain...

From an Arab perspective.

From an Arab perspective the difference is nothing. There is no difference between McCain and Obama.
Seven to Eight months ago, Barack Obama was against any military action against Iran and was for dialogue between countries such as Iran, Syria and North Korea, as he mentioned in the Democratic debate. Two days ago when he was in Israel Obama seemed to have changed his mind, where he threatened Iran over its nuclear program with more sanctions saying that the USA will not do anything that will endanger the national security of Israel.
He also said that an air strike against Iran's nuclear facilities will not be enough, and that that should be accompanied by tougher political stance towards Iran, as well as tougher sanctions that will make Iran reconsider its position. He also refused any dialogue with Hamas.

After that Obama went to the Wailing Wall (Kosel), where he preformed a prayer which was lead by a Hakham.

Similarly McCain had similar comments when he arrived in Israel. Saying things such as "If Hamas/Hizbollah succeeds here, they are going to succeed everywhere, not only in the Middle East, but everywhere. Israel isn't the only enemy."

"They are dedicated to the extinction of everything that the US, Israel and the West believe and stand for. So America does have an interest in what happens here, far above and beyond our alliance with the State of Israel."

"At the end of the day, we can still not afford to have Iran with nuclear weapons," he said. "We know they have ambitions that are not just aimed at the State of Israel."

So what is the difference between McCain and Obama in regards to their foreign policy in the Middle East?

Barack Obama has finally understood that the road to the white house passes by Israel and the only way he will have a chance of being the 44th president of the US of A. This way Obama will be able to please the Evangelical Christian voters and expand his base of supporters. Obviously what ever Barack Obama is doing is working as he is leading the opinion polls.

To be honest I don't understand why Americans cannot vote for someone like Ron Paul or Kucinich. Both had much better understanding of what is needed to brighten America's image across the world as well as improving the US economy. But then again we are talking about people who elected Mr. George W. Bush... TWICE!

Tuesday 22 July 2008

The fear of an Obama planet

By Mona Eltahawy
As soon as I saw the New Yorker cover spoofing right-wing fear mongering over Barack and Michelle Obama, my first thought was that my friend Sanjay in Mumbai had a point about Americans and stupidity.

What was it but stupidity that left so many Americans gullible...

Monday 21 July 2008

After reading abufares said... latest blog i came across this:

Israeli Soldier Shoots Palestinian

Pictures of an Israeli soldier shooting a at a Palestinian with a rubber bullet from a distance of about one meter. The Palestinian was handcuffed and blindfolded. Ashraf abu rahmeh, a 27 year old, was detained for protesting against the building of the separation wall in Ramallah on the 7th of July. You can have a look at the pictures here

Saturday 19 July 2008

Israel threatening Lebanese by phone

Israel has violated UN Security Council Resolution 1701 by penetrating Lebanon's telecommunication network, a Lebanese Minister says.

According to Lebanese media, Israel has penetrated Lebanon's telecommunications network and threatened people by sending a recorded voice message, saying, "Do not allow Hezbollah drag you to another war because you will be responded the same as Israel- Lebanon war in July 2006."

If true this is really ridiculous, I doubt that this would have made people who received the call not support Hizbullah anymore, in fact I believe people who have received that call, would probably want to support Hizbullah even more now. What's interesting is the last part... it seems another war is being prepared.

Friday 18 July 2008

No More Commenting

I have decided to never again reply to a provocative comment that appears on youtube or any other news websites. As a matter of fact I will stop reading comments by other readers altogether, except for comments on the Arabic Aljazeera website, because in most cases they are funny.

Honestly I don't even know why I reply in the first place, but when I read stupid comments I get this feeling that I really should reply, its not that I'm a very intelligent person and that I know everything, no, well maybe I am, who knows. Its a strange feeling, it's like a highly exothermic reaction taking place between the two sides of my lungs, like right under the sternum I think they call that bone, the side effects is the intense thoughts of strangling the person who wrote the comment and a rush of thoughts in my head of how I should reply as well as a lot of cursing. In short, I get angry.

I will give an example, here is a comment written on The Independent website saying, "The Arab mentality contradicts, what the West would regard as logical and ethical, therefore, it is pointless to apply Western reason in dealing with them. Human life hasn`t the same value, perceptions of truth are different and they have a tendency to confuse fact with fiction..."
Posted by Amisraelchai

What a racist bastard!! I wonder what type of research that nit did to reach this conclusion!! I wonder who made the "West" the optimum standard for the "logical and ethical" mentality anyways.
The problem with such comments they are so stupid that you cannot argue or reply with a well constructed intellectual comment. Its just like when someone swears at you, you don't try to analyze what the person said, you don't try to reply with a beautifully put together smashing researched answer... you just swear back at that person.. And its the same thing!

Anyways I have decided to quit commenting and replying for now. Thank you.

Thursday 17 July 2008

A wide spread attack has been going on in Israeli media aimed at the celebrations that took place yesterday as well as the release of Samir Quntar the hero. Israeli media have said it is shameful how the Lebanese celebrated the return of their prisoners of war, and as Olmert (the person responsible for the war in Lebanon in 2006 where more than 1000 Lebanese civilians were killed) puts it "this is the difference between our culture and their culture."
Let me just say that it is not a difference between cultures, it is simply a difference between causes. On one hand the Lebanese/Arab cause is a far more greater one than the Israeli/Zionist one. Those people who were martyred for a just cause of ending occupation, calling for justice, fighting the oppression and aggression created by the Zionists, sacrificing their lives so that their families and their people could have a better one; the martyrdom of those people can only be celebrated, and not cried upon. The Israeli's have lost their cause. To me they didn't have one since '48. What is Israel's cause? To occupy as much land as possible, for as long as possible? To create the "greater Israeli state?"

Moving on. Israeli government has also managed to upload a video onto youtube that talks about the brutality of Samir Quntar and how he supposedly "shot a man from the back and 'broke the skull' of his four year old daughter" although there is controversy whether it was done with a rock or his rifles but. Another great fictional work of the Zionists, something we have become immune to. And anyways how can we believe something like Israel who's whole existence is based on a pack of lies?

The Woman Who Knew Too Much

In an interview on Aljazeera English on the 2nd of November 2007, Benazir Bhutto says Bin Laden has been killed. Two months later she was assassinated. It seems she knew too much and spoke carelessly.

Robert Fisk: 'Europe has a duty to educate the US about Middle East'

Walid Moallem leans forward in the armchair of the Paris Intercontinental Opera. "It's all on the record," he snaps. It usually is. The Syrians can be up- front when you least expect it. Syria's Foreign Minister is one of their top negotiators, a man who knows Israel's diplomats almost as well as they know themselves, who understands all the traps of the Middle East.

Tell me who murdered Rafiq Hariri, I ask him. And Mr Moallem grins bleakly and reaches into his jacket pocket....

Wednesday 16 July 2008

The Return

It was such a spectacular event to see the return of 5 heroes to their homeland, especially Samir Quntar who spent more than 30 years in an Israeli prison. The event was amazing overshadowing the great achievement of the Islamic resistance, Hizbullah. For the first time (or actually second) we have witnessed the level of weakness of the current leaders in Israel. I don't want to say the weakness of the entire "state" of Israel, because realistically they still have the strongest army in the region, as well as having a much better economy than most countries in the middle east and north Africa. Nevertheless, this is another success story that history will record for the Islamic resistance group.

It was also nice to see the unity within the Lebanese ranks and leaders(even if it was only ceremonial) but it was good to watch anyways.

This deal has brought more credibility to Hizbullah within Lebanon, and has also raised the bar in regards to the prisoner exchange between Hamas, which has Gilad Shalit and Israel which still has thousands of Palestinian prisoners, including Palestinian political prisoners. What is important to notice is that Israel refuses to release Palestinian prisoners since it says they are a threat to Israel's security, and are terrorists which have been sentenced to life in prison. Samir Quntar, as I heard has been sentenced to five life sentences, which equal to 512 years (thats what Ghasan Bin Gido said). Now considering Israel released Samir Quntar, then Hamas will definitely negotiate at the same level, in other words try to get the ones that are the most difficult to get, also in other words get those whom Israel considers to be a "threat" to them the most (I hope I explained this well). Also the Israeli government will definitely feel the public pressure in order to undergo a similar exchange with Hamas, as more than 70% of the Israeli public believe that a similar deal should be considered with Hamas.

Are we witnessing the slow decline in what is known as Israel? And hopefully a peaceful end to the tyrannical state of Israel, or will Israel "fight to the death"? We will definitely know the end of this story in the coming 30 years. Until then I will be here writing about what I think, knowing that you are enjoying reading what I have to say. But I doubt I will be doing this for the next 30 years, who knows maybe by then I will have my own biased news agency. Anyways till then..

Friday 11 July 2008

Amazing Statistics

I was amased to find out today that 90% of the population of Bangladesh have memorized the entire Quran.. The majority of which would have completely memorized the Quran at the age of 5! And that most can rewrite it in the original Othmani text.

Now comparing this statistic with that of Middle Eastern/ Arab countries we find that 95% of children at the age of 5 have completely memorized all the characters on "pokemon" while 80% of the population have memorized the 3 seasons of "prison break", 4 seasons of "Lost" and have watched at least 7 reruns of 9 seasons of "Friends" as well as owning at least one vintage "collectors" copy of their all time favourite movie which would most probably be either "God Father" or "Scarface".

Al Asabiya - العصبية

in one of the islamic conquests, a fight broke out between one of the muhajerin and one of the ansar, the muhajer (the person belonging to the muhajerin, which are the people who traveled with the prophet from mecca to medina) yelled "oh muhajerin" and the ansari (person belonging to the ansar, the people who promised to support and protect the prophet when he came to medina) yelled "oh ansar", and the factions started fighting.

When the prophet heard of the incident, he got very angry and said, "you are calling by the calls of Jahileyah (days prior to islam, known as days of ignorance/jahilyeh) when I am amongst you? Leave what you are doing, it is rotten!

The prophet (pbuh) described 'Asabiyah' (nationalism/tribalism - or the act of supporting a group of people based nationalistic or triblistic relation or ties blindly and with excitement/anger) as being rotten.

The condition of the islamic nation today, from hate of one another to the fights between each other, and between muslim nations are all acts that would have saddened the prophet (pbuh). The spread of Asabiyeh in the Islamic nation is like the spreading of fire, it spreads hate and evil and injustice.
The fall of the Islamic nation and culture is due to asabiyeh, and the prophet was correct when he described it as rotten and evil/bad, and on the negative influence it has on the rise of the (Islamic) nation.

If you have Asabiyeh to your nation/country, or if you are proud of what you are then know that you are copying the acts of Iblees (devil). Iblees was the first creations of God to be proud of what he was. When God almighty ordered him to bow to Adam, what did Iblees say?.. He said 'I am better than him (Adam), you God (almighty)have created me from fire, and have created him (Adam) of mud/clay. What Iblees did was wrong.. who told Iblees that fire is better than mud?
And on that basis, regretfully, some people follow the act of Iblees. Who told you that the Saudi Arabian is better than the Egyptian, or the Sudanese better than the Libyan or the Syrian better than the Lebanese? Who told you anyways that the Arabs are better than the non-Arabs?

The prophet (pbuh) said, " An Arab is only better than a non arab, ONLY by piety and devoutness to God". People are compared by piety and not nationality or who a person is.
The Prophet was right again to forbid us from asabiyeh as it is an imitation of the Iblees.

On the day of Judgment, the ones who will be more favoured or the scale on Judgment day is piety/devoutness to God. Which means the person standing next to you on that day will be the person that had the same level of piety and not the person with the same nationality as yours, in other words you will find the Bengali, Pakistani, or Indian, whom sadly are despised by some people, are on the highest levels because of their piety and devoutness to God.

I am not saying that one should not like/love his country, on the contrary one must like his country/ or country that he/she lives in and also to love his home nation, this is desired.
That is why one of the companions asked the prophet: "is it of Asabiyah for a man to like/love his people/tribe. The prophet said: No, but asabiyah is when a man supports his people/tribe even when they are doing evil."
(i.e. To knowingly support your people/tribe just because you belong to them and they are your people, even though their cause might be one of evil doing(

Asabiyeh is not only in matters regarding nationality but also in matters of religion, for example a group of people (shown in the following video) pray in two different directions because they couldn't agree which way the Qibla (direction to Mecca) was.

Honestly I do not find a solution to Asabiyeh (in the Arab nation) except under Islam. Arabs throughout their history have had Asabiyeh in their blood and were never united under what is called Arab or (Arab nationalism). The only time Asabiyah was solved was during the period from the prophet, to the caliphates and the early ages of the Islamic empire. Why?
Because at that time people treated each other on the bases of brotherhood through religion. In other words I would treat you as a brother even though I am of a different nationality.

Thursday 10 July 2008

ذنوب الموت (قفي ساعة) - تميم البرغوثي

just to Prove that the error below is rubbish..

Mordechai Kedar in al-Jazeera about Jerusalem & Islam

The intolerance and prejudice of this bigot represents exactly the entire Zionist entity of "Israel".

What a hypocrite. First he says that Jerusalem is only for the Jews and then he says christians and muslims are invited.

I wonder how he would explain how the Jews moved from Spain in the 1600's and later to the Othman controlled Jerusalem.

Unfortunately youtube would not allow me to blog the video, but i managed to find it on liveleak.

Wednesday 9 July 2008

The Earthquake

I have been reading recently from news sources that the "Israeli" government are expecting an Earthquake to hit its northern borders, including the south of Lebanon in the coming months. The earthquake is expected to be of a magnitude of six on the Richter Scale which will have an impact upon towns in Israel from Haifa northwards, and is likely to cause destruction of buildings and foundations.

This if true, would probably explain the largest military exercise that was carried out by "Israel" since its unjust establishment. The exercise took place on the 6th of April in the North of "Israel".

On the other side Lebanese geologists have stated that it would be impossible for an earthquake with that magnitude to occur in the coming months and suggested that "Israel" may be planning to detonate a nuclear bomb underground which may cause similar results.

Whether any of this is true or not we can just wait and see what disasters may take place in PALESTINE, of course other than the greatest disaster ever to happen in PALESTINE which is "Israel".

More Sednaya

Syrian opposition leaders (outside Syria) have called for an international investigation into what happened in the Syrian prison.
After an unknown number of detainees have been killed (supposedly 25) in the Sednaya prison in Syria, the opposition (outside Syria) decided that what happened is an international issue and needs to be solved in that manner. Lets not forget who makes up the opposition outside Syria, which includes the Ikhwan, who in their early days terrorized the people of Syria by planting car bombs around the capital Damascus, and Abdulhalem Khadam, who is as bad as any "mas'ul" (any person who has a member of their family in the government or the security services) as he and his sons managed to suck the blood out of Syria and Lebanon as much as any other "mas'ul". So I don't know why we should listen to them.
Anyways what happened in Syria is an internal issue, those prison guards who have been involved in the killing of the detainees should be put on trial, jail conditions have to be improved, and the entire judicial system has to be revised in Syria. As well as training the prison guards to carry out their duties properly. All of those very good suggestions (i must admit that was quite good eh? )can be internally solved, I don't see how the UN can help or the arab league, as if other arab countries have better jail conditions and treat their prisoners in a better way.
So a message to the opposition leaders outside Syria: Shatap!

Monday 7 July 2008

The New Generation

I was arguing once with my parents about how bad things are, in general, in arab countries and how corrupt governments were.
I was arguing that governments are meant to serve people and that the governments should be afraid of the people and not the people afraid of the government, what is a government after all?
Of course since they were my parents and they knew it all obviously since they are older than me, they defended the actions of the governments and said that "if that wasn't the case there would have been a coup every now and then and that people would be fighting each other all the time that's why we need strong governments that rule with an iron fist". After the argument was done i heard them mumbling "this new generation, so influenced by western ideas".... ??!!?!?!

I think both arguments are right, we just need the right balance between the two. Having Emergency laws for the past 45 years is just ridiculous. After all for people to prosper they need their freedom, and feeling that they are safe and not that the government is safe.

Sunday 6 July 2008

A Word From The Sponsor

Finally the government has decided for once to say something about a sensitive issue. as well all know the Syrian government is very secretive and always likes to pretend that everything is alright.. and "oh look we all love each other" type of thing.

From SANA this is what was said:
أقدم عدد من المساجين المحكومين بجرائم التطرف والإرهاب على إثارة الفوضى والإخلال بالنظام العام في سجن صيدنايا واعتدوا على زملائهم وذلك في الساعة السابعة من صباح يوم السبت في 5-7-2008 أثناء قيام إدارة السجن بالجولة التفقدية على السجناء.

وقد استدعى الأمر التدخل المباشر من وحدة حفظ النظام لمعالجة الحالة وإعادة الهدوء للسجن وتنظيم ضبوط بحالات الاعتداء على الغير وإلحاق الضرر بالممتلكات العامة لاتخاذ الاجراءات القانونية بحق المخالفين.

Basically its saying that a group of people who have been sentenced to prison for being charged with crimes of "extremism" and terrorism, have attacked other inmates in prison during a prison inspection done by the prison guards.

Since when is having "extreme" ideas illegal? i understand terrorism that's fine.. that's definitely illegal, but extremism? i guess in Syria, (or even the middle east) anything that deviates away from the ideas of the ruling party/people is "extreme".

Bad day in Prison

most people heard about what happened yesterday in the Sydnaya prison in syria. If not, here is what happened.. in short though..

Early in the morning prison guards start a prison search you know like searching the prisoners cells and all. This time it was more provocative than it used to be, which lead to a "word fight" between the prison guards and the "islamists" (apparently being too religious is politically incorrect and can be punished by a jail sentence.. ). It is reported that the prison guards got the Quran and started stepping on it repeatedly infront of the prisoners which infuriated the "islamists", whom in turn ran towards the prison guards that were desecrating the Quran in order to stop the prison guards from doing the unthinkable!
Those that ran were shot and killed, 9 of them that is. But soon the prisoners were able to overtake power in the prison capturing the prison manager and the prison guards. One of the prisoners, the source of all this information got hold of a mobile phone.

After a while the syrian security forces along with a reported 30 tanks and armoured vehicles surrounded the prison. Negotiations between the prisoners and the security forces took place where the prisoners asked the security forces that they would not harm (murder) the prisoners in return the hostages would be freed and everything would go back to normal. Negotiations took place using letters that were sent back and forth between the prisoners and the security forces. A 60 year old prisoner called Samir Al Baher, delivered the messages between the two sides.
The security forces refused to comply with the demands, and told the prisoners to give up the hostages, only then will there be any negotiations, which the prisoners refused to do. The security forces then beat up Samir Al Baher, and took him away in an armoured vehicle.

I have been reading random news about what has happened after wards and claims that the security forces said that they would storm the prison even if that means the death of a thousand prisoners, also news of an air strike (unlikely) and the firing of tear gas and other forms of weapons into the prison (likely).

Human rights groups in syria are calling on Syrian president Bashar Al Assad to intervene and put an end to this, but the government has so far kept a lid on the incident.
Human rights groups have also sent urgent calls and messages to the General Secratery of both the UN and the Arab League to interfere as well as to other human rights groups and organizations worldwide.

This is horrific stuff, shame on the government. This is not the first time the government has failed to do what it's supposed to do this year, with fightings occuring between two sects in Hama early this year.

Click Here
for a report from the Syrian human right group in arabic about what happened.

Stop complaining!

I've been reading some blogs recently, and most of them were from bloggers in Syria and stuff although i try to read other blogs not from Syria, you know try to broaden it up a bit. And to be honest i got really tired and frustrated with all the apathetic, negative and discouraging blogs that I have been reading from Syrian youth. It is true its really hard to do most things a person wants to do in Syria and unless he/she knows someone with a bit of power then that person might not get anywhere but still, that doesn't give anyone the right to give up, sit on the internet and start writing essays about how messed up things are over there. How new graduates are not finding jobs, how people have no money to survive, etc etc..

I thought I'd write something motivational to those who are in that phase and are right now! reading this. if any that is.. but I really can't, i just don't understand how a person can give up on something like this.. after all this is life and you have got to do the most you can with it, sitting around complaining will not do any good.. not now.. not never..

A supervisior told me a couple of years ago (after i was done complaining about how hard things were) , he said, (with great passion and anger) , " Stop Complaining, And Do Something!!" and that really touched my heart.. in a way..

and now i think its my turn to tell those who are complaining.. STOP complaining! and do Something!!..