Saturday 10 January 2009

The Revolution!

"Revolution: a drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving"

"The violence of revolutions is generally proportioned to the degree of the maladministration which has produced them." --Macaulay

Probably many people who have visited this blog will be wondering why the title Arabian Camel. The simple reason is because the camel is a fascinating animal, Arabian just because of the ethnicity that the writer of this blog is from. But the camel represents endurance, patience, strength and will.

It is time to change the title of this blog. The current title no longer reflects what I believe to be the current needs of the Arab people. The Arab people, who include all types of religions muslims, Christians, Jews and others have in the past couple of decades shown patience towards the incapability of the governments to meet the minimum aspirations of the Arab people, they have shown patience with the level of corruption within our governments’ activities and the corruption within the individuals of those regimes. We have only seen the strength within Arabs in the past couple of years. From the occupation of Iraq and the Israeli aggressions on Lebanon and Palestine have shown the strength and will of the Arabs, to live in liberty and freedom.

The Arab people have learnt a lot from the experiences that we have been put through and those that we have witnessed. The experience of oppression, aggression, and persecution, whether it was by a foreign power or a by our very own governments have taught us firsthand what it is like to be oppressed and persecuted for wanting to live a better life. Our fears of persecution and oppression have sent us into submission and silence towards the self-serving leaders of our nations in order to avoid the consequences of saying No. Those leaders have indoctrinated us with the worst possible thing and that is the over-pride of our Nations whose borders were drawn by Western colonizers. This false pride in the Nations that we belong to has turned us against each other and made us think that one Arab State has different interests compared to another Arab state, when in reality our interests and fates are all the same, yet we stand against each other defending failed states, most of which have accomplished nothing since their independence.

We know what carrying on being silent will lead to. We have to also realize that with the status quo we are not going to be moving forward, and that the only reason we are at this current distressing situation is because we have let the corrupt governments rule for a very long time that they forgot what the role of a government is, and that is to serve its people, all the people and not just a few. So the problem is within us, within the people. At this moment we are at a turning point, a point where we will decide to either carry on being silent or undergo a revolution.

What we need are revolutions in all aspects of our lives; a social revolution, economical revolution, intellectual revolution and a political revolution if necessary.

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