Saturday 17 January 2009

If the massacres of Ghaza has not yet convinced some people that Zionism is an ideology of racism and hate then consider the following.

- The Zionist government voted not to allow the Arab-Israeli political parties from running in the upcoming elections due to their stance towards the brutal Zionist massacres against the innocent Palestinian civilians.

- The Israeli foreign Minister, Tsibi Livni saying that the Israeli-Arabs need to be moved out of "Israel" once a Palestinian state is created (if ever) even though they are citizens.

- The eviction of 400 Arab families from the Israeli side of Jerusalem.

- Not to forget the Apartheid state and the separation wall.

These people are racist towards their own citizens, they discriminate against them and treat them as second class citizens. And then they tell us that 'Israel is fighting the Wests war against terror, and fighting for Western values', are those the values of the west, are those the values of the American people?

They say Israel is the only Democracy in the Middle East, so is this democracy? I thought that one of the main points about Democracy is that all citizens have the same rights, the rule of the people by the people for the people. How can Israel be a democracy when it only looks after the rights of the Zionist Jews? If Israel is only a state for the Zionist Jews then obviously it is not a democracy.

Why is Israel a state for the Jews? what gives the Zionists exclusivity to that land? Is it because they lived there 2000 years ago and then were forced to leave? 2000 years ago, was it a land for the Jews only? Very well if that is the case then we Arabs (of all beliefs) demand that Spain be returned to us because the Arabs lived on that land and were also forcefully expelled from it. Therefore The Arabian Camel demands the return of Spanish land to the Arabs. Do you see how silly Zionist arguments are?!

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