Monday 8 June 2009

Loving the Muslim World..

It was really interesting to listen to Obama’s speech the other day in Cairo in which he addressed the Muslim world trying to reconcile the differences and apologizing for the wrong doings (at least some of the wrong doings) that the United States committed against the Muslims in different parts of the world. Probably the most surprising aspect of the speech was that Obama admitted to the fact that the CIA was behind the coupe that lead to the overthrow of a democratically elected prime minister of Iran at the time and placing the Shah as the ruler of the country. I have to admit that the people attending the speech at the American University of Cairo were really reactive and applauded Obama excessively; it was funny that whenever Israel or the Jews were mentioned no one clapped however.
There are those that view the new American administrations role as one that is seeking to mend the American relations with different countries and especially Muslim majority countries. Yet to many this is just a different strategy for similar objectives, ones that I have earlier discussed. The long term objectives of the United States have not changed since the end of the Second World War, and there is no indication of them changing, there may be a change in the method and approach of how to achieve the objectives and aims as seen when ever there was a change in the American Administration, but the end result was always the same.
The following is an excerpt from the book “Confessions of An Economic Hit Man” written by John Perkins, the part describes one of the conversations John Perkins had while he was conducting an assignment he had in Indonesia:
“The beautiful English major laughed at this. “Because that’s the plan. Vietnam is just a holding action,” one of the men interjected, “like Holland was for the Nazi’s. A stepping-stone.”
“The real target,” the woman continued, “is the Muslim world.”
I could not let this go unanswered. “Surely,” I protested,” you can’t believe that the United States is anti-Islamic.”
“Oh no?” she asked. “Since when? You need to read one of your own historians – a Brit named ToynBee. Back in the fifties he predicted that the real war in the next century would not be between Communists and capitalists, but between Christians and Muslims.”
“Arnold Toynbee said that?” I was stunned.
“Yes. Read Civilization on Trial and the World and the West.”
“But why should there be such animosity between Muslims and Christians?” I asked.
Looks were exchanged around the table. The appeared to find it hard to believe that I could ask such a foolish question.
“Because” she said slowly, as though addressing someone slow-witted or hard hearing, “the West – especially its leader, the U.S. – is determined to take control of all the world, to become the greatest empire in history. It has already gotten very close to succeeding. The Soviet Union currently stands in its way. But the soviets will not endure. Toynbee could see that. They have no religion, no faith, no substance behind their ideology. History demonstrates that faith – soul, a belief in higher powers – is essential. We Muslims have it. We have it more than anyone else in the world, even more than the Christians. So we wait. We grow strong.”… “

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