If the west keeps on bringing up the issue of free speech, and then walk out on a person who is merely expressing his opinion, what does that make the western nations? What is the difference between walking out in protest of what Ahmadinijad had to say about the racist, apartheid Zionist state, and when Muslims walked in the streets demonstrating against the insulting drawings of the prophet Mohammad (may God's peace and blessings be upon him)?
The double standards exhibited by these people is unbelievable. To not accept the fact that the Zionist state is a racist, hateful state that has been waging wars against the Arabs and has been using weapons indiscriminately against civilian populations is an act of racism in it self. These are the same western countries that stood and watched Lebanese being massacred in 2006, and are the same ones supplying Israel with weapons and technology and aid that has been used to Massacre Palestinians for the past 60 years, while at the same time subjugating Arab countries and Muslim countries to economic sanctions just because they refused your hegemony in thier countries..
wonder why AlQaeda gets so many sympathizers within the muslim world...?
I felt such a sense of satisfaction watching those hypocrites walk out with their sham and false indignation whilst Ahmedinejad rubbed their noses in the ground. I agree with everything the man said.
historical facts are hard not to agree with.. it seems historical facts are anti-semitic as well..
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