Friday 9 January 2009

10 Reasons why Israel is Bad for Children

Here are 10 reasons how Israel affects children in a bad way:

Israel teaches children:

1- how to take things by force that never belonged to them in the first place; greed,
2- how not to care for others, and be extremely self centered, and subject others to their will
3- how to differentiate between people based on their beliefs and nationality, and hate others because they are different
4- how to use other peoples pain to achieve their objectives, even though they might have never knew who those people were,
5- how to make full use of the arabic proverb 'he hit me and cried, and outran me and complained' - ضربني وبكى، سبأني واشتكى
6- how to suppress other peoples' opinions ('anti-semitism'), and hate/oppress/attack those that do not agree with what they are doing
7- how to be irresponsible,
8- how to blame others for their mistakes,
9- how to destroy hopes dreams and at the same time humiliate others,
10- And finally Israel is bad for children because it simply kills them.

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