Friday 23 January 2009

Vision 2015

The following are conclusions to events that have happened and the events that might take place by 2015 if current American-Israeli plans work out.

- The liquidation of the Palestinian cause, mainly by removing any sort of resistance or movement that would oppose a humiliating peace agreement and settlement based on the two-state solution and under Israeli rules and conditions to that solution.

- Removal of any regional entities that oppose the American-Israeli plans for a ‘New Middle East’, starting with Hizbullah, Hamas and Syria then Iran.

- The normalization of relations between the Arab states and Israel.

- The start of a new era of confrontations between states backed up by the USA against rising global powers such as China, India and Russia where the Middle East would be the front line to those confrontations whether economically or militarily.

- The creation of a regional alliance between Arab states and Israel, Turkey and Iran, aiming to create a ‘balance of power’ in the region to counter the influence and dominance of growing global powers such as China and Russia.

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