Saturday 13 March 2010

Stuff that Whirl in my head

Has the world gone mad? or are there only a few people who think that it has? Relative and perspective are the words here that we need to look at. For some this age denotes the time of great technological advances, of human intellectuality reaching its highest potentials and still pressing on, of human affluence and comfortable lives; others view this age as the age of moral corruptness, greed and injustice, the individual over the masses, of subjugation of the weak and the Earth to the desires of the powerful and strong.

And in all that mess we even fail to understand each other as humans due to culture and religious differences. To be honest this is not uncommon or unheard of, history is filled with events where the powerful and rich places an iron fist on the weak and helpless, where massacres have happened because one person believes in the Cross and the other believes in fire. But having reached a level where as I stated earlier of such high intellectual thought why we as humans still act in such ways, and why does it seem that sometimes we live in two different worlds?

In reality we don't live in two different worlds, but we make sure that we believe that we do sometimes due to our own prejudices. Walter Lippmann puts it this way,“When full allowance has been made for deliberate fraud, political science has still to account for such facts as two nations attacking one another, each convinced that it is acting in self-defense. . . . They live, we are likely to say, in different worlds. More accurately, they live in the same world, but they think and feel in different ones.”

We all know that today we live in a village rather than a World, yet we still see how primitive people become when two different people are faced against each other. I guess its as simple as human nature, that we humans still behave in a tribal fashion; we stick to those we share similarities with and fight against those who are different, whether wrong or right. Its also got to do with the fact that we as humans would rather belong than not to belong; would rather fight with the wrong-doers than being a renegade, an outcast. I don't think that we as humans, have reached a level where we are aware that we are not mature enough yet.

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