Saturday 29 November 2008

Barack Husain Obama

As those who have been following this blog.. all two of you, you would probably know that I considered Obama to be no different than McCain, now that he is the elected president and looking back on some things I'm now more worried than before about the whole Obama thing.

His stance towards many issues seems that they would cause more problems in the world if he did actually did what he said he'd do. Darfur for example, an issue extremely exaggerated by western media, to which Obama states and I quote "We cannot, in good conscience, stand by and let this genocide continue." What is he planning to do to stop this genocide. Is this really about Darfur, or is it only part of a bigger thing?

"The international community has failed to do enough. The United Nations passed a toothless resolution and, in recent debates, China, Russia, Pakistan and Algeria have been reluctant to support any meaningful action. The UN is failing in its mission by allowing politics to get in the way of needed action. American leadership is needed to mobilize European support and force action. On the 10th anniversary of Rwandan atrocities, we must not let history repeat itself." - Obama

What is going to happen with the whole Nato-Russia-missile shield thing when Obama takes over the white house? Medvedev, the Russian president, ordered the deployment of nuclear-capable missiles on Nato's borders for the first time since the Cold War, what is the response of the US under Obama?

Where does Obama stand in relation to China? He earlier said that "China neither enemy nor friend, but a competitor" and accused China of currency manipulation, something the Bush administration didn't do. In regards to Darfur and Sudan, China has been investing a lot in there trying to increase oil production from Sudan to meet its rising demand for oil. How are the Chinese going to react when they see US and European forces in The Sudan?

Why does he insist on staying in Afghanistan but plans to reduce the number of US troops in Iraq and move them to Afghanistan?

What about Pakistan? Obama is for unilateral attacks into Pakistan targeting suspected AlQaeda members, undermining Pakistani Sovereignty by sending military into Pakistan with no prior agreement, something McCain opposed so did the Pakistani prime minister Gilani.

What about the appointment of Emanuel Rahm as chief of staff..?

So many things.. I'm just going to end it here, because I think this is enough. If anything happens in the future be sure that I will be telling everyone "I told you so!!!".. if nothing happens and it turns out that I'm concerned for nothing, then this is going to be embarrassing, but till then.. no one knows..


Abufares said...

Chances are that you\'re not going to be embarrassed.
Historically speaking, American foreign policy has always been nihilistic in its approach and disrespectful of others.
Obama has so much on his mind locally that he\'s not going to have the time, the will and/or the guts to change this methodology.
Unless indeed... there\'s more to him than meets the eye.

MJ said...

i totally agree. The fact that he appointed Emanuel Rahm who openly says 'Israel comes first'. I mean even locally I am sure he's not going to be able to challenge the status quo, example, is he going to nationalize health care and get rid of health insurance? probably not.. I wonder what change he will bring.

Mohammed Salah Farah said...

Change? Obama? not in the same sentence.
We all got excited by the influence the media put towards our direction, I can't deny I got drifted for an hour or so during the election, and false hope had entered my mind for a minute, but back to reality he doesn't care about foreign policies or at least thats what I hope, so the US doesn't start invading some new countries.

bas lat7in ;)