Friday 14 March 2008

Your Conscience

ان الضمير الاثم لا يحتاج لاصبع اتهام لذا ابداوا بمحاكمت انفسكم امام ضمائركم واعلموا ان شجره الظلم لا تثمر وان من بالغ في استسلامه ضاق فكره عن رؤيه الحقيقه
ومن صدق كذب الحياه سخر منه ضميره وان عواقب الصمت اشد خطوره من اسبابه ولان الضمير مناره الانسان الى الصواب نستعينه به لتحقيق الحلم العربي
لذا دعو ضمائركم تنطق فالضمير الابكم شيطان اخرس

The sinful conscience doesn't need someone to blame it, therefore start judging (what you have done) yourselves in front of your conscience. And know that the evil tree bears no seeds, and that those who exaggerate in their surrender, their thoughts are tightened up that they are unable to see the truth no more.
And those who believe the lies of life, his/her conscience mocked him/her, and that the consequences of being silent are much more dangerous than that, that caused this silence. And Because the conscience is humans beacon to righteousness that we use in order to achieve the "Arabs" dream, so let your conscience speak out, since a mute conscience is like a mute devil.

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